
CPP Kronos: How to Use the Online Timekeeping System for Foundation Employees

If you are an employee of the Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, Inc., you may be wondering how to use the online timekeeping system called CPP Kronos. CPP Kronos is a web-based application that allows you to record your hours, view your earnings, and manage your personal information. CPP Kronos is also linked to the UKG (Kronos) Workforce Ready platform, which is used by the Foundation Human Resources and Payroll departments to process your payroll and benefits.

In this post, I will explain how to access, navigate, and use CPP Kronos for your timekeeping needs. I will also provide some tips and resources to help you with any questions or issues you may encounter.

How to access CPP Kronos?

To access CPP Kronos, you need to have an internet connection and a device such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone. You also need to have a valid username and password that are assigned to you by the Foundation Human Resources department.

There are two ways to access CPP Kronos:

  • Via the Foundation website: You can go to the Foundation website and click on the “ETF” tab on the top menu. Then, click on the “UKG (Kronos) Login” link on the left sidebar. This will take you to the CPP Kronos login page, where you can enter your username and password.
  • Via the direct link: You can also go directly to the CPP Kronos login page by typing or copying this URL into your browser:

Once you are logged in, you will see the CPP Kronos home page, which has various icons and menus that allow you to access different features and functions.

How to navigate CPP Kronos?

CPP Kronos has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and use. Here are some of the main elements of the CPP Kronos home page:

  • The To-Do Bell: This is located on the top right corner of the screen. It shows you any notifications or messages that require your attention or action. For example, you may see a reminder to approve your timecard or a notification of a new pay stub.
  • The My To Do Items: This is located below the To-Do Bell. It shows you any tasks or items that you need to complete or review. For example, you may see a request to update your personal information or a survey to fill out.
  • The My Information: This is located on the left side of the screen. It shows you various categories of information that relate to your employment and payroll. For example, you can see your labor management, personal information, additional notifications, reference, etc.
  • The Company Information: This is located on the right side of the screen. It shows you various categories of information that relate to the Foundation and its policies and procedures. For example, you can see the employee handbook, payroll calendar, forms, etc.
  • The Help: This is located on the bottom right corner of the screen. It shows you various options to get help or support with CPP Kronos. For example, you can see FAQs, tutorials, contact information, etc.

You can click on any icon or menu to access more details and options. You can also use the search bar on the top left corner of the screen to find what you are looking for.

How to use CPP Kronos?

CPP Kronos allows you to perform various tasks and functions related to your timekeeping and payroll. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Record hours: You can record your hours worked by using one of these methods:
    • Time Stamp: You can use this method if you have a fixed schedule and work at a designated location. You can simply click on the “Time Stamp” icon under “Labor Management” and enter your PIN number. This will record your start and end times automatically.
    • Time Card: You can use this method if you have a variable schedule or work remotely. You can click on the “Time Card” icon under “Labor Management” and enter your hours manually. You can also edit or delete any entries if needed.
  • Approve timecard: You need to approve your timecard at the end of each pay period to confirm that your hours are accurate and complete. You can do this by clicking on the “Approve Timecard” icon under “Labor Management” and following the instructions.
  • View earnings: You can view your earnings history by clicking on the “Earnings History” icon under “Reference”. You can see your pay stubs, deductions, taxes, etc. You can also download or print your pay stubs if needed.
  • Update personal information: You can update your personal information such as address, phone number, email, etc. by clicking on the corresponding icons under “Personal Information”. You can also change your password or security questions by clicking on the “Change Password” or “Change Security Questions” icons under “Additional Notifications”.

Tips and resources for CPP Kronos

Here are some tips and resources to help you with CPP Kronos:

  • If you are a new user, you need to create a new account by clicking on the “First Time Here? Create a new account” link on the login page. You will need to answer some security questions and choose a password. You can use your existing Kronos Timekeeper password if you have one, but it is considered a new password for CPP Kronos.
  • If you forget your password, you can reset it by clicking on the “Forgot Password?” link on the login page. You will need to answer your security questions and choose a new password.
  • If you have any questions or issues with CPP Kronos, you can contact the Foundation Human Resources department at or 909-869-2953. You can also contact the Foundation Payroll department at or 909-869-2962.
  • If you want to learn more about CPP Kronos, you can check out the FAQs, tutorials, and guides that are available on the website or on the PDF documents. You can also attend the training classes that are offered by the Foundation Payroll department.


CPP Kronos is an online timekeeping system that allows you to record your hours, view your earnings, and manage your personal information. CPP Kronos is also linked to the UKG (Kronos) Workforce Ready platform, which is used by the Foundation Human Resources and Payroll departments to process your payroll and benefits.

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